Text Search

 Reports  Text Search

 Alt + R + T + E or  Ctrl + T

See Figure 21


This search applies to: Caselaw, Notification, Circulars, Articles

TLOL Suite™ 3.0 provides a comprehensive text search tool that can be as simple or as complex as the user desires. Apart from being a robust feature on its own, the use of several advanced technologies makes the TLOL Suite™ 3.0 text search a fail-safe alternative to almost every other search facility when used with proper parameters. Moreover, you can combine the text search with other searches for greater precision. Please note that this search expects words to be at least three characters long.

Figure 21: Query Panel: Text search



TLOL Suite™ 3.0 text search has the following options:

General options

Caselaw options

Steps for using the various options follow.


To find any word or set of words occurring in any order:

  1. Enter the required word(s) in the empty field displaying the greyed Enter Text label.

  2.  Click Search to view the results in the Results Panel. TLOL Suite™ 3.0 checks for occurrence of all the required words in a document, in any order, before treating it as a valid result.1

Whole Phrase

This feature is similar to the general word search except that it searches for the occurrence of all the words in the exact sequence in which they were entered.

To find a phrase or a set of words in the same sequence as entered in the query field:

  1. Enter the required words or phrase in the empty field displaying the greyed Enter Text label.

  2.  Check the box against the Whole Phrase label.

  3.  Click Search to view the results in the Results Panel.


This feature contains a number of sub-features that allow complex search possibilities. All other features under Advanced, except Wildcard will be enabled only when more than one word is entered in the query field. A short explanation of the sub-features, that follow, will help the user under­stand this module better.


This option enables searching for multiple words within a document based on their occurrence. The Occurrence options are:


Enabling this option allows documents containing any one of the queried words to be treated as a result.


Enabling this option allows only documents containing all the queried words to be treated as a result.


This option enables searching for multiple words based on their relative proximity to one another. You can search for documents with specific words that are “close” to one another, by varying degrees of “closeness”. The proximity could be:


The words entered must be close to one another in the same sequence in which they were entered. In other words, if three words are entered in the query field, in each document of the result set, the second word must occur after a certain number of words from the first and the third word must occur within same distance from the second.


The words entered must be close to one another but not necessarily in the sequence in which they were entered. In other words, if three words are entered in the query field, in each document of the result set the words must occur before or after a certain number of words of each other.


Just below the Ordered and Unordered labels is a slider gauge, labelled Distance, for setting the degree of proximity between the queried words. Moving the slider to the right increases the distance required between queried words.


This feature enables looking up variants of a word without having to specify them explicitly. Sub-options allows the user to decide whether the variants are formed by prefixing or suffixing letters to the required word(s). The fol­lowing sub-options explain the Wildcard feature in more detail:

Preceding match

Documents containing words ending with the queried term are brought up. For example: querying for “mum” after ena­bling this option will add documents containing “minimum”, “maximum” etc. to the result set.

Succeeding match

Documents containing words beginning with the queried term are brought up. For example: Querying for “admin” after enabling this option will add documents containing “administrator”, “administration” etc. to the result set.


This feature allows the user to selectively decide the priority for each of the queried words. For example: When three words are entered in the query panel, this option, allows the user to specify that the first word must occur, the second word may occur and the third word must not occur in the result­ant documents. TLOL Suite™ 3.0 provides a tool to select the priority of up to three of the queried words.

Tutorial with video:


To search for the words “Capital gains” as a whole phrase occurring in catchwords:

  1. Enter “Capital gains” in the field displaying greyed Enter Text label.

  2.  Check the box against Whole Phrase

  3.  Check the box against catchwords label under caselaw options.

  4. Choose the journal, if required.

  5.  Click Search.

To search for the word “capital” or “gains” occurring in the catchwords:

  1. Enter “capital gains” in the field displaying greyed Enter Text label.

  2.  Check the box against Advanced label.

  3.  Check the box against Catchwords under caselaw options.

  4.  Click on the  icon to the right of the field displaying Occurrence.

  5.  Click on the  radio button to the left of Either.

  6. Choose the journal, if required.

  7.  Click Search.

To search for the words “securities” and “agreements” occurring in the headnotes:

  1. Enter “securities agreements” in the field displaying greyed Enter text label.

  2.  Click the box against Advanced label.

  3.  Check the box against Headnote label from the caselaw options.

  4.  Click on the  icon on the right of the field displaying Occurrence.

  5.  Click on the  radio button to the left of All

  6. Choose the journal, if required.

  7.  Click Search.

To search for the words “Assessing further” occurring in the same order within 20 words from each other:

  1. Enter “assessing further” in the field displaying greyed Enter Text label.

  2.  Check the box against Advanced label.

  3.  Check the box against Judgment from the caselaw options.

  4.  Click on the  icon to the right of the field displaying Proximity

  5.  Click on the  radio button to the left of Ordered

  6. Move the slider gauge under Distance to the right and set to “20”.

  7. Choose the journal, if required.

  8.  Click Search.

To search for the words “vehicles depreciation” occur­ring in any order within 23 words from each other:

  1. Enter “vehicles depreciation” in the field displaying greyed Enter text label.

  2.  Check the box against Advanced label.

  3.  Check the box against Judgment from the caselaw options.

  4.  Click on the  icon to the right of the field displaying Proximity

  5.  Click on the  radio button to the left of Unordered

  6. Move the slider gauge under Distance to the right and set to “23”.

  7. Choose the journal, if required.

  8.  Click Search.

To search for various word forms ending in “late” within catchwords:

  1. Enter “late” in the field displaying greyed Enter Text label.

  2.  Check the box against Advanced label.

  3.  Check the box against Catchwords under caselaw options.

  4.  Click on the  icon to the right of the field displaying Wildcard 

  5.  Click on the  radio button to the left of Preceding match.

  6. Choose the journal, if required.

  7.  Click Search to view documents containing “appellate“, “formulate” etc. in the results.

To search for various word forms beginning “comp” within headnote:

  1. Enter “comp” in the field displaying greyed Enter Text label.

  2.  Check the box against Advanced label.

  3.  Check the box against Headnote under caselaw options.

  4.  Click on the  icon to the right of the field displaying Wildcard

  5.  Click on the  radio button to the left of Succeeding match

  6. Choose the journal, if required.

  7.  Click Search to view documents containing “complete” “compli­ance” etc. in the results.

To search for the words “Commissioner” “tax” where the given words must occur in the result:

  1. Enter “commissioner” “tax” in the field displaying greyed Enter Text label.

  2.  Check the box against Advanced label.

  3.  Check the box against Headnote from caselaw options.

  4.  Click on the  icon to the right of the field displaying Priority.

  5.  Click on the  icon within the combo box to the right of Must field.

  6. Choose the journal, if required.

  7.  Click Search to view caselaw containing the words “commissioner” and “tax”.

1.   Minor two and three letter words like of, and, the, etc. are ignored.